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First Day of School!

August 30, 2011

Yesterday the kids started Mother’s Day Out. Chloe is in a 3-year-old classroom with a Bible-based curriculum. I can’t wait to see what all she will learn this year. She had a great day and knew some friends from last year that are in her class again. I am so thankful for this MDO program, it has truly been a blessing in our lives since moving to Dallas.

Jack is in the “new walker” classroom, although he isn’t walking yet. This is no surprise to us…both of our kids are just late walkers! He is getting more sturdy every day, but at his 15 month check up our doctor said we would need to start physical therapy with him if he isn’t walking by October 1st. We will see, but we’ve been down the PT road before with Chloe and I’m not too worried about it. I know he’ll walk when he’s ready!

He has two amazing teachers and he didn’t shed a tear when I dropped him off. He just went and found a ball and was good to go for the rest of the day!

I always get a little emotional leaving my kids somewhere, but we all had a good day. I love, love, love my job and am so thankful for it! I even had time to get a PEDICURE before I picked them up. Awesomesauce. When I went to get them, they were all smiles and their teachers said they both had a great day. Then, of course, we headed to Sonic for first day of school treats! I’d say our first day of school was a success!

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